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Global Handset Shipments Forecast by Vendor by Quarter: 2000 to 2015

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Published: 2014/09/26
Page: 10
Format: PDF
USD 7,000 (Single-User License)
Strategy Analytics predicts global handset shipments to grow 9% in 2014 and 5% in 2015. Samsung, Apple and Chinese vendors, including Huawei and Lenovo, will be among the main vendors driving growth, with 4G providing significant uplift in key markets such as the US, China, Japan, UK and South Korea. This report forecasts global handset, smartphone and feature phone shipments by quarter for 14 of the world's largest vendors from 2000 to 2015. Global grey handset volumes by quarter through 2015 are also included. The report is a valuable tool for component makers, software developers, operators and other stakeholders to support their planning activities.