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UK Handset Vendor Marketshare by Operator: Q3 2012

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Published: 2012/12/10
Page: 8
Format: PDF
USD 6,999 (Single-User License)
The UK handset market grew +6% year-on-year in Q3 2012, reversing the previous quarter’s decline, as Samsung’s continued strength combined with the launch of the new Apple iPhone a month earlier than in 2011 to boost Q3 handset shipments. This report tracks handset vendor shipments and market share at the four major UK operators -- O2, Vodafone, Everything Everywhere and Three -- from Q1 2009 to Q3 2012. The report is an important tool for measuring the health of individual handset brands at the operator level.
1. Title Page
2. Summary
3. UK Vendor Share
4. UK Operator Share
5. Methodology
6. Contacts