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The World Market for Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones: A 2016 Global Trade Perspective

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Publisher: Icon Group
Published: 2015/06/10
Page: 65
Format: PDF
USD 795 (Single-User License)
This report was created for strategic planners, international executives and import/export managers who are concerned with the market for piezo-electric quartz stones. With the globalization of this market, managers can no longer be contented with a local view. Nor can managers be contented with out-of-date statistics that appear several years after the fact. I have developed a methodology, based on macroeconomic and trade models, to estimate the market for piezo-electric quartz stones for those countries serving the world market via exports or supplying from various countries via imports. I do so for the current year based on a variety of key historical indicators and econometric models. On the demand side, exporters and strategic planners approaching the world market face a number of questions. Which countries are supplying piezo-electric quartz stones? What is the dollar value of these imports? How much do the imports of piezo-electric quartz stones vary from one country to another? Do exporters serving the world market have similar market shares across the importing countries? Which countries supply the most exports of piezo-electric quartz stones? Which countries are buying their exports? What is the value of these exports and which countries are the largest buyers?
1 METHODOLOGY 7 1.1 Our Approach 7 2 THE WORLD MARKET 13 2.1 Exports 13 2.1.1 The World Market: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Export Supplies in 2016 13 2.2 Imports 15 2.2.1 The World Market: Imported Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones in 2016 15 3 EXPORTS 19 3.1 Asia: Export Supplies of Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones 19 3.1.1 Executive Summary 19 3.1.2 China 23 3.1.3 Hong Kong 23 3.1.4 India 24 3.1.5 Indonesia 24 3.1.6 Japan 24 3.1.7 Malaysia 25 3.1.8 Philippines 25 3.1.9 South Korea 25 3.1.10 Taiwan 26 3.1.11 Thailand 26 3.2 Europe: Export Supplies of Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones 26 3.2.1 Executive Summary 26 3.2.2 Austria 30 3.2.3 Czech Republic 31 3.2.4 Finland 31 3.2.5 France 31 3.2.6 Germany 32 3.2.7 Italy 32 3.2.8 Russia 33 3.2.9 Slovakia 33 3.2.10 Sweden 33 3.2.11 the Netherlands 34 3.3 Latin America: Export Supplies of Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones 34 3.3.1 Executive Summary 34 3.3.2 Brazil 34 3.4 North America & the Caribbean: Export Supplies of Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones 35 3.4.1 Executive Summary 35 3.4.2 the United States 37 4 IMPORTS 38 4.1 Asia: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Imports in 2016 38 4.1.1 Executive Summary 38 4.1.2 China 42 4.1.3 Hong Kong 42 4.1.4 India 43 4.1.5 Indonesia 43 4.1.6 Japan 43 4.1.7 Malaysia 44 4.1.8 Singapore 44 4.1.9 South Korea 44 4.1.10 Taiwan 45 4.1.11 Thailand 45 4.1.12 Vietnam 46 4.2 Europe: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Imports in 2016 46 4.2.1 Executive Summary 46 4.2.2 Austria 49 4.2.3 Czech Republic 50 4.2.4 France 50 4.2.5 Germany 51 4.2.6 Greece 51 4.2.7 Hungary 52 4.2.8 Italy 52 4.2.9 Russia 52 4.2.10 Slovakia 53 4.2.11 Spain 53 4.2.12 the Netherlands 53 4.3 Latin America: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Imports in 2016 54 4.3.1 Executive Summary 54 4.3.2 Mexico 55 4.4 North America & the Caribbean: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Imports in 2016 56 4.4.1 Executive Summary 56 4.4.2 Canada 59 4.4.3 the United States 60 4.5 Oceana: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Imports in 2016 60 4.5.1 Executive Summary 60 4.5.2 New Zealand 62 4.6 the Middle East: Piezo-Electric Quartz Stones Imports in 2016 62 4.6.1 Executive Summary 62 4.6.2 Israel 63 5 DISCLAIMERS, WARRANTEES, AND USER AGREEMENT PROVISIONS 64 5.1 Disclaimers & Safe Harbor 64 5.2 ICON Group International, Inc. User Agreement Provisions 65