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Packaging Business Confidence Report H2 2015

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Publisher: Canadean
Published: 2015/11/26
Page: 52
Format: PDF
USD 1,950 (Single-User License)
USD 3,900 (Multi-User License)
USD 5,850 (Global-User License)
Respondents feel that the overall business confidence index for H2 2015 (October 2015-March 2016) has increased compared to H1 2015 (January 2015-June 2015), which indicates that the packaging industry is recovering from the ongoing global uncertainties. Moreover, an increasing number of respondents state that the current economic conditions are stable and the future outlook remains positive as a result of growing consumer focus towards flexible and convenient packaging, and rising demand for portion control and smaller pack sizes within the food industry. Over the next six months the industry will increase its expenditure towards new product development and IT infrastructure.

Key Findings
- Overall, 48% of executives rate the current economic environment as stable, whereas 24% of respondents indicate that the economic condition is very favorable or favorable

- Optimism levels about company and industry growth prospects have decreased among survey respondents who operate in Asia-Pacific during H2 2015(October 2015-March 2016), compared to H1 2015 (January 2015-June 2015)

- Overall, 37% of industry executives forecast a 2%-5.99% (inclusive) increase in raw material prices in H2 2015

- Industry executives across the globe highlight the performance of the Eurozone and the performance of developing economies as key concerns likely to impact their company's performance over the next six months

- Packaging industry executives who operate in Asia-Pacific indicated the need to increase focus on protecting and growing market share during H2 2015 compared to H1 2015

Canadean's packaging Industry Business Confidence Survey H2 2015 examines executives' opinion on the business environment over October 2015-March 2016. It also highlights existing economic conditions, supplier price variations, sales performance, industry and company growth outlook, spending patterns, and key priorities. Additionally, it provides information categorized by region and presents a comparison with H1 2015 (January 2015-June 2015) wherever applicable.

What else does this report offer?

- Current state of the global economy: examines prevailing economic conditions globally and across various regions

- Company and industry growth outlook: provides industry executives' expectations towards their company's growth prospects and that of the industry over the next six months

- Change in consumer confidence: analyzes packaging industry executives' opinion about the change in consumer confidence during H2 2015

- Supplier prices projection: determines expected changes in supplier prices across various categories and their impact on business confidence

- Change in staff headcount and sales performance: tracks expected changes in staff headcount and sales for H2 2015 among industry executives globally

- Significant investment activities: highlights various areas in which industry executives intend to invest over the next six months

- Business concerns: provides information about potential business concerns indicated by survey respondents for H2 2015

- Key priorities: identifies top priorities of industry executives operating in various regions

- The report will benefit organizations and allow them to make effective business strategy decisions by knowing the prevailing business conditions and sentiment within the packaging industry

- Organizations will be supported in business expansion decisions by providing information about projected changes in sales performance and supplier prices

- Helps to improve operational efficiency of the organization by knowing about key priorities and the main concerns of packaging industry executives

- Helps to alter investment allocation by understanding key focus areas highlighted by survey respondents during H2 2015
Introduction (Slide 5-8)
Definitions (Slide 5)
Methodology and sample size (Slide 6)
Respondent profile (Slide 7)
Confidence indexes (Slide 8) Economic State, growth prospects and consumer confidence (Slide 9-26)
Existing economic environment (Slide 10-16)
Industry and company growth outlook (Slide 18-21)
Expected change in consumer confidence (Slide 22-26) Supplier prices, staff headcount and sales performance (Slide 27-39)
Supplier prices expectations (Slide 28-36)
Anticipated change in staff head count and sales projections (Slide 37)
Anticipated change in spend on key activities (Slide 38-39) Business concerns and organizational priorities (Slide 40-51)
Level of concerns and expected impact (Slide 41-47)
Significance of potential business priorities (Slide 48-51) Appendix (Slide 52)