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Managed Care Trends and Strategies - The Voice of Managed Care on the State of Relations Between Managed Markets & the Pharmaceutical Industry and Opportunities for Partnership

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出 版 商:CBR Pharma Insights
頁  數:52頁
價  格:
USD 3,900 (Single-User License)
USD 4,900 (Multi-User License)
USD 9,800 (Global-User License)
Managed Care Trends and Strategies - The Voice of Managed Care on the State of Relations Between Managed Markets & the Pharmaceutical Industry and Opportunities for Partnership


Managed care has evolved over the past century to become a central part of the process of delivering health care to patients. Starting with the formation in 1917 of the first prepaid medical plan by physicians in cooperation with corporations and unions, and continuing with the establishment of Health Maintenance Organizations with governmental assistance in the 1970s, health care as we know it today has evolved through a series of events and legislations. Most recently, the initiation of Medicare Part D through the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003 has further sealed the relationship between managed markets and the pharmaceutical industry.

Today, managed care organizations are even more important as customers for pharmaceutical companies due to increased restrictions being placed on direct marketing to physicians. Working with managed care, pharmaceutical companies can open the door for drug usage and develop pathways towards fulfillment from physicians. Pharmaceutical companies need sound managed markets strategies in order to compete in today’s marketplace.


- Managed care as a vital pharmaceutical industry customer
- Servicing the Needs of Managed Care Organizations
- Trends in Managed Care Contracting
- Competitive landscape
- Outlook for Managed Care and the Pharmaceutical Industry

Reasons to buy

- Enhance your knowledge of the key trends and strategies in working with your managed care customers
- Benefit from our primary research done directly with managed care organizations to best support your future strategies
- Get a pulse on which pharmaceutical companies are the leaders in managed care
- Develop an understanding of which qualities exhibited by a pharmaceutical company are the most important in managed care marketing
- Enhance your managed care marketing strategy with insights from competitor activity
Executive Summary

Managed Care: Vital Pharmaceutical Industry Customer
Evolution of the relationship between managed care and the pharmaceutical industry
Current state of the relationship between managed care and the pharmaceutical industry
Valuation of managed care within the pharmaceutical industry

Servicing the Needs of Managed Care Organizations
Developing a customer focus
Understanding managed care priorities
Relationship management
Contracting principles

Trends in Managed Care Contracting and Pull Through
Value-based contracting
Small molecules vs biologics
Specialty pharmacy

Defining Leaders in the Managed Care Arena
Pharmaceutical company qualities valued in managed care
Top-rated Pharmaceutical Companies in:
Addressing needs of managed care
Overall managed care leadership

Outlook for Managed Care and the Pharmaceutical Industry
Assessment of current state of the relationship between managed care and the pharmaceutical industry
Future trends and the potential impact on managed care
Developing managed markets strategy for future success

