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Outlook of Global and Chinese Veterinary Diagnostic Industry 2015-2020

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The current veterinary diagnostics market is largely characterized through the U.S. companion animal diagnostics market and European food animal diagnostics market. Companion animal diagnostics in Europe, rest of world companion diagnostics and food animal infectious disease diagnostics represent submarkets with significant potential for growth, also Chinese market.
International trade, public health, agricultural productivity, consumer confidence and companion animal-owner relationships are all dependent upon effective and increasingly specialized veterinary diagnostics products. Expertise in molecular diagnostics, virology and bacteriology is crucial in the food animal diagnostics space as emergent threats and outbreaks necessitate the development and improvement of assays for newly implemented disease control programs.

Part Contents
Executive summary
Definition and methodology
I Veterinary diagnostic products
I-1 Diagnostic methods
I-2 Major veterinary diseases
I-3 Technology
I-3.1 Global technology level
I-3.2 Chinese technology level
II Companion animal diagnostics market
II-1 Market size, growth and segmentation
II-1.1 Global market
II-1.2 Chinese market
II-2 Market factors
II-3 End user markets
II-4 Regulation
II-4.1 Regulations in China
II-4.2 Regulations in other countries
III Food animal diagnostics market
III-1 Market size, growth and segmentation
III-1.1 Global market
III-1.2 Chinese market
III-2 Market factors
III-3 End user markets
III-4 Regulation
III-4.1 Regulations in China
III-4.2 Regulations in other countries
IV Chinese animal diagnostics industry operation by regions
IV-1 Eastern China
IV-2 Southern China
IV-3 Central China
IV-4 Northern China
IV-5 Western China
IV-6 Northwestern China
IV-7 Southwestern China
IV-8 Import/export scale by major cities
IV-8.1 Guangzhou
IV-8.2 Shenzhen
IV-8.3 Shanghai
IV-8.4 Beijing
V Industry and competition
V-1 Competitive market shares
V-2 New entrants
V-3 Buyer power
V-4 Supplier power
V-5 Threat of substitution
V-6 Rivals
V-7 Chinese industry status
V-7.1 Revenue
V-7.2 Cost
V-7.3 Profitability
VI Major Players
VI-1 Global players
VI-2 Chinese major service providers
VII Forecast
VII-1 Global market growth trend
VII-2 Chinese market growth trend
VII-2.1 Revenue
VII-2.2 Market size
VII-3 Drivers and barriers
VIII Conclusion and recommendation
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