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Consumer and Market Insights: Ice Cream Market in Russia

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出 版 商:Canadean
頁  數:46頁
價  格:
USD 875 (Single-User License)
USD 1,750 (Multi-User License)
USD 2,625 (Global-User License)
The Russian Ice Cream market is forecast to grow at a higher rate in both value and volume terms during 2015-2019 compared to 2010-2015. Artisanal Ice Cream category is the largest category in the Russian Ice Cream market, whereas Take-Home and Bulk Ice Cream is the fastest growing category in value terms during 2015-2019.

Key Findings
-?The Russian Ice Cream market is forecast to grow at a higher CAGR of 9.1% in value terms during 2015-2019 compared to 2010-2015

-?Artisanal Ice Cream will remain the largest category, while Take-Home and Bulk Ice Cream is forecast to be the fastest growing category at a CAGR of 11.6% during 2015-2019

-?The Russian Ice Cream market is dominated by international players such as Unilever PLC, Nestle S.A.,and local companies such as Talosto Shahty and Russky-Kholod etc.,

-?The use of Rigid Plastics in the Russian Ice Cream market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 7.7% during 2015-2019
- Off-trade sales will witness a higher value at a CAGR of 10.1% during 2015-2019, compared to On-trade sales which is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% during 2015-2019

Canadean's Consumer and Market Insight report on the Ice Cream market in Russia provides insights on high growth categories to target, trends in the usage of packaging materials, types and closures category level distribution data and brands market shares.

What else is contained?

-?Market data: Overall market value and volume data with growth analysis for 2015-2019

-?Category coverage: Value and growth analysis for Artisanal Ice Cream, Impulse Ice Cream - Single Serve - Single Serve and Take-Home and Bulk Ice Cream with inputs on individual segment share within each category and the change in their market share forecast for 2015-2019

-?Leading players: Market share of brands and private labels, private label growth analysis during 2011-2014

-?Distribution data: Value shares within each category through channels such as Hypermarkets and Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Food and Drinks Specialists and more

- Packaging data: usage of different packaging materials and containers in each category, in terms of percentage share of number of units sold. Packaging materials: flexible packaging, rigid plastics, rigid metal and others; containers: tray, tub, foil and others

-?Identify high potential categories and explore further market opportunities based on detailed value and volume analysis

-?Existing and new players can analyse key distribution channels to identify and evaluate trends and opportunities

-?Gain an understanding of the total competitive landscape based on detailed brand share analysis to plan effective market positioning

- Our team of analysts have placed a significant emphasis on changes expected in the market that will provide a clear picture of the opportunities that can be tapped over the next five years, resulting in revenue expansion
- Report Scope

Country Context
- Macroeconomic indicators -Population and age structure, GDP and Consumer Price Index
- Retail and foodservice figures -Key Takeouts

Market Overview
- Value and volume -the Russian Ice Cream market
- Historic and forecast volume consumption in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Degree of trade up/down in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Volume of the Russian Ice Cream marketby category
- Historical and forecast value of the Russian Ice Cream marketby category
- Winners and losers in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Average category level pricing in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Segment share of the category and change in market share in the Russian Ice Cream market

Retail Landscape and Key Distribution Channels
- Leading retailers in the Russian Food market
- Leading distribution channels in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Leading distribution channels by category in the Russian Ice Cream market

- Ice Cream market by type of packaging material/container
- Ice Cream market by type of packaging closure/outer
- Ice Cream market t by type of packaging, forecasts

Brand and Private Label Share
- Penetration of private label by categories in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Private label performance compare to national brands in the Russian Ice Cream market
- Leading brands in the Russian Ice Cream market by category

- Country context
- Sector overview
- Category data
- Segment data
- Packaging data
- Category definitions
- Segment definitions
- Channel definitions
- Methodology
- About Canadean