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WSI Industries, Inc. : Aerospace and Defense - Company Profile, SWOT and Financial Analysis

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SDI's "WSI Industries, Inc. : Aerospace and Defense - Company Profile, SWOT and Financial Analysis" contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations. The profile contains a company overview, key facts, major products and services, SWOT analysis, business description, company history, key competitors, financial analysis, recent developments, key employees as well as company locations and subsidiaries.

Key Findings
This report is a crucial resource for industry executives and anyone looking to access key information about "WSI Industries, Inc."

The report utilizes a wide range of primary and secondary sources, which are analyzed and presented in a consistent and easily accessible format. SDI strictly follows a standardized research methodology to ensure high levels of data quality and these characteristics guarantee a unique report.

WSI Industries, Inc. (WSI) is a precision machined metal components manufacturer. The company produces components in accordance with customer specifications ranging from medium to high volumes, which require tolerances as close as one ten-thousandth (.0001) of an inch. The company primarily serves aerospace, avionics, defense, engine components, energy, semiconductor and bioscience markets. The company also provides complex assembly services. It has expertise to mill up to a 60? cube and turning up to 53? diameter. The company operates through machining centers, which include horizontal machining centers, vertical machining centers, and CNC turning lathes. WSI is headquartered in Monticello, the US.

- This business intelligence report presents the key company information, essential to understanding industry challenges and competitors.

- The SWOT analysis identifies the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for growth and threats. The key competitors are dissected alongside the larger challenges that the industry is facing.

- The company profile relays all current information about the business operations, including key employees, major products and services, company history, locations and subsidiaries alongside a supporting statement from the Chairman and Managing Director.

- Quickly enhance your understanding of "WSI Industries, Inc."

- Gain insight into the marketplace and a better understanding of internal and external factors which could impact the industry.

- Increase business/sales activities by understanding your competitors' businesses better.

- Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers.

Key Highlights
WSI Industries, Inc. (WSI) is a precision machined metal components manufacturer. The company produces components in accordance with customer specifications ranging from medium to high volumes, which require tolerances as close as one ten-thousandth (.0001) of an inch. The company primarily serves aerospace, avionics, defense, engine components, energy, semiconductor and bioscience markets. The company also provides complex assembly services. It has expertise to mill up to a 60? cube and turning up to 53? diameter. The company operates through machining centers, which include horizontal machining centers, vertical machining centers, and CNC turning lathes. WSI is headquartered in Monticello, the US.
1 WSI Industries, Inc. - Key Employees
2 WSI Industries, Inc. - Key Employees Biographies
3 WSI Industries, Inc. - Major Products and Services
4 WSI Industries, Inc. - History
5 WSI Industries, Inc. - Company Statement
6 WSI Industries, Inc. - Locations and Subsidiaries
6.1 WSI Industries, Inc. - Head Office
7 WSI Industries, Inc. - Business Analysis
7.1 WSI Industries, Inc. - Company Overview
7.2 WSI Industries, Inc. - Business Description
8 WSI Industries, Inc. - SWOT Analysis
8.1 WSI Industries, Inc. - SWOT Analysis - Overview
8.2 WSI Industries, Inc. - Strengths
8.2.1 Strength - Diverse Mix of Markets
8.2.2 Strength - Manufacturing Excellence
8.2.3 Strength - Strong Liquidity Position
8.3 WSI Industries, Inc. - Weaknesses
8.3.1 Weakness - Dependence on Few Customers
8.3.2 Weakness - Dependence on Select Region
8.4 WSI Industries, Inc. - Opportunities
8.4.1 Opportunity - Positive Outlook for Global Airline Industry
8.4.2 Opportunity - Growing Demand for Aircraft
8.5 WSI Industries, Inc. - Threats
8.5.1 Threat - Intense Competition
8.5.2 Threat - Reducing US Defense Spending
8.5.3 Threat - Environmental Regulations
9 WSI Industries, Inc. - Company Financial Analysis
9.1 WSI Industries, Inc. - Five Year Snapshot: Overview of Financial and Operational Performance Indicators
10 WSI Industries, Inc. - Interim ratios
10.1.1 WSI Industries, Inc. - Financial ratios: Capital Market Ratios
10.2 WSI Industries, Inc. - Financial Performance and Ratio Charts
10.2.1 WSI Industries, Inc. - Revenue and Operating margin
10.2.2 WSI Industries, Inc. - Asset and Liabilities
10.2.3 WSI Industries, Inc. - Net Debt vs. Gearing Ratio
10.2.4 WSI Industries, Inc. - Operational Efficiency
10.2.5 WSI Industries, Inc. - Solvency
10.2.6 WSI Industries, Inc. - Valuation
10.3 WSI Industries, Inc. - Key Competitors
11 WSI Industries, Inc. - Recent Developments
12 Appendix
12.1 Methodology
12.2 WSI Industries, Inc. - Ratio Definitions
12.3 Disclaimer