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Mastering Firebase for Android Development

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出 版 商:Packt Publishing
About This Book
Explore all the latest tools in FirebaseFirebase Firestore, ML-Kit, and Firebase Predictions
Master Firebase cloud messaging, remote configuration, and work with a real-time database
Make your app a global success with the help of Google Analytics and AdMob
Who This Book Is For
Mastering Firebase for Android Development is for individualslooking to extend their skills with Firebase and build faster, scalable, and real-time mobile applications. Basic understanding of Android programming is necessary. In all, this in-depth guide is an accessible pathway to mastering Firebase.

What You Will Learn
Learn about Firebase push notifications and write backend functionalities
Identify the root cause of an application crash and diagnose and fix bugs
Store different Multipurpose Internet MailExtension(MIME) type files
Explore web hosting and connect the Firebase functions to the host website
Send push notifications and understand the deep integration of analytics tools and cohorts
Market and monetize your application using Firebase Adwords and Admob
Build a secure authentication framework while enhancing the sign-in and on-boarding experience for end users
In Detail
Firebase offers a wide spectrum of tools and services to help you develop high-quality apps in a short period of time. It also allows you to build web and mobile apps quickly without managing the infrastructure.Mastering Firebase for Android Development takes you through the complete toolchain of Firebase,including the latest tools announced in Google IO 2018 such as Firebase ML-Kit, FireStore, and Firebase Predictions.

The book begins by teaching you to configure your development environment with Firebase and set up a different structure for a Firebase real-time database. As you make your way through the chapters, youˇll establish the authentication feature in Android and explore email and phone authentication for managing the on-boarding of users. Youˇll be taken through topics on Firebase crash reporting, Firebase functions, Firebase Cloud, Firebase Hosting, and Cloud Messaging for push notifications and explore other key areas in depth. In the concluding chapters, you will learn to use Firebase Test Lab to test your application before using Firebase Performance Monitoring to trace performance setbacks.

By the end of the book, you will be well equipped with the Firebase ecosystem, which will help you find solutions to your common application development challenges.

Style and approach
A step by step guide taking you through the different features of Firebase

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