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Crop Protection South America Monthly Report 1211

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頁  數:19頁
價  格:
USD 3,013 (Single-User License)
USD 7,533 (Multi-User License)
(1). Due to persistent rainfall in Argentina from Aug. to Oct. 2012, Argentina's production of corn may decrease by 20% to 22.4 million tonnes in 2012/13.

(2). Peru's coffee production will drop by 25% in 2012, and its export volume of coffee will decrease in response.

(3). The production and planting area of chickpea in Argentina have rapidly developed in recent years.

(4). Mato Grosso Court of Appeal ordered Monsanto to suspend charging royalties on the use of its patented Bollgard I (BT) cotton and Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans, and Monsanto agreed to stop charging loyalties on RR soybeans from Oct. 2012.

(5). SENAVE issued Resolution No. 415 to regulate the responsibilities of GM cotton importers in Paraguay.

(6). Brazil suspends its citrus exports to the EU due to the excessive cases of CBS detected in its shipments.

(7). MAPA authorized the use of spinosad-based pesticides on mango, grape, cherry and guava for 24 months and any companies interested in marketing agrochemicals could apply for registration of the product for emergency use.

(8). FMC launched its new ripener, STRADA 50 WG, for sugarcane in Brazil in Sept. 2012.

(9). Syngenta launched its mixed insecticide formulation—Ampligo® for protecting soybean in Argentina.

(10). Arysta LifeScience recently received an approval for marketing the fungicide Legacy® (fluazinan) in Paraná in Brazil.

(11). Since the early sowing of soybeans in 2012/13 has been conducted in Brazil, farmers must be alert to pest management on soybeans.

(12). A spring survey by SAG shows that PSA appears in kiwifruit orchards in Chile.

(13). Embrapa issued a pest monitoring report to warn of the damage of green belly stink bug to wheat all over Brazil.

(14). With the theme of "It's Time for Wheat", the 19th International Wheat Conference was held in Brazil and the President of ABItrigo believed that wheat production still has potential to be increased in Brazil.
Argentina may lose 20% of projected corn crop in 2012/13
Peru coffee production to drop in 2012
Chickpea planting develops fast in Argentina

Mato Grosso court orders Monsanto to suspend royalties
Paraguay regulates responsibilities of GM cotton importers
Brazil suspends citrus exports to EU
Brazil authorizes temporary use of spinosad-based pesticides on fruit

FMC launches new ripener for sugarcane in Brazil
Syngenta launches Ampligo® in Argentina
Arysta LifeScience gets approval for Legacy® fungicide in Paraná, Brazil

Brazilian farmers must be alert to pest management on soybeans
PSA appears in kiwifruit orchards in Chile
Embrapa warns of occurrence of green belly stink bug in wheat

Brazil still has potential to increase production of wheat