- Manazine - 3D World
- Manazine - 417 Magazine
- Manufacturing Science & Engineering
- Marie Claire
- Marine Corps Gazette
- Marine Technology
- Martha Stewart Living
- Materials Characterization
- Materials World
- Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
- Mechanical Design
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanisms & Robotics
- Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on
- Men's Health
- Mental Health Weekly
- Micro, IEEE
- Microelectromechanical Systems, IEEE/ASME Journal of (J-MEMS)
- Microelectronic Engineering
- Microelectronics Journal
- Microelectronics Reliability
- Microprocessors and Microsystems
- Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE
- Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE
- Microwave Magazine, IEEE
- Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on
- Microwave Theory and Techniques, IRE Transactions on
- Microwave Theory and Techniques, Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on
- Midwest Living
- Military Operations Research
- Military Psychology
- Military Review
- Military Technology
- MIS Quarterly
- MIT Sloan Management Review
- MIT Technology Review
- Model Railroader
- Modern Plastics Worldwide
- Modern Railway
- Modern Tire Dealer
- Modern Tramway
- Money
- Monocle Magazine
- Motive Power
- Motociclismo
- Motor
- Mountain Bike Action
- Mountain Living
- Multimedia, IEEE
- Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on