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搜尋結果 106 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
Computing in Science & Engineering Computing in Science & Engineering presents scientific and computational contributions in a clear and accessible format. 
Concurrency, IEEE This Periodical ceased production in 2000. 
Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE Bioengineering | Communication, Networking & Broadcasting | Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems | Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software) | Engineered Materials,... 
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on The primary purpose for publishing the Transactions of the Consumer Electronics Society is to present to the membership and the engineering community in general, papers on new tech... 
Control & Automation Published in 2007, Control and Automation was concerned with computing, communications, control and instrumentation. Previously titled Computing & Control Entineering Journal. 
Control Systems Magazine, IEEE Bioengineering | Communication, Networking & Broadcasting | Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems | Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software) | Engineered Materials,... 
Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on The IEEE Control Systems Society publishes high-quality papers on technological advances in the design, realization, and operation of control systems. Submissions should emphasize ... 
Control Systems, IEEE Aerospace | Bioengineering | Communication, Networking & Broadcasting | Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems | Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software) | Engineered Materials,... 
Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace | Bioengineering | Communication, Networking & Broadcasting | Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems | Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software) | Engineered Materials,... 
Design & Test of Computers, IEEE Aerospace | Bioengineering | Communication, Networking & Broadcasting | Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems | Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software) | Engineered Materials,...