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搜尋結果 123 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
Computing & Info Science in Engineering The Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering publishes archival research results and advanced technical applications. 
Cosmetic Dermatology Cosmetic Dermatology 
CTIMES零組件雜誌   • CTIMES零組件雜誌(通稱CTIMES雜誌)是一本立足台灣,放眼華人市場的科技產業刊物。 【期刊摘要】 過去二十年來一直以電子技術發展為報導本位,如今為因應全球大C匯流 (Convergence)變革下台灣電子產業硬體優勢漸失的處境,自2012年6月起調整媒體定位,秉持"Open The Mi... 
Energy Resources Technology Addressing the wide-ranging topic areas of petroleum drilling, production, refining, processing, transportation, and equipment and vehicles for sea underwater usage, the Journal pr... 
Energy: The International Journal Energy is an international, multi-disciplinary journal in energy engineering and research. The journal aims to be a leading peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of... 
Engineering Failure Analysis Engineering Failure Analysis publishes original, high quality research papers, communications, and occasional review articles describing the analysis of engineering failures and re... 
ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS EFM covers a broad range of topics in fracture mechanics to be of interest and use to both researchers and practitioners. Contributions are welcome which address the fracture b... 
Engineering Optimization This journal promotes the application of optimization methods in the engineering sciences. This includes facilitating the development of advanced optimization methods for direct... 
ENGINEERING STUDIES Engineering Studies is an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the scholarly study of engineers and engineering. Its mission is threefold: to advance crit... 
European Journal of Engineering Education Published bi-monthly, it examines the economic, cultural, and social factors which influence the education of engineers in different societies and provides a forum in which teacher...