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搜尋結果 55 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
New Directions for Evaluation New Directions for Evaluation, an official publication of the American Evaluation Association, is a quarterly thematic journal devoted to all aspects of evaluation.  
OXFORD JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES The Oxford Journal of Legal Studies is published on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford. It is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to la... 
Personal Relationships Personal Relationships, first published in 1994, is an international, interdisciplinary journal that promotes scholarship in the field of personal relationships using a wide variet... 
Perspectives on Psychological Science Perspectives on Psychological Science (PPS) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal with broad integrative reviews, overviews of research programs, meta-analyses, theoretical stateme... 
Practice Development in Health Care The publication is discontinued from January 2010. 
PsyCh Journal PsyCh Journal, China's first international psychology journal, publishes peer-reviewed research articles, research reports and integrated research reviews spanning the entire spect... 
Psychological Science Psychological Science (PSS), the highest ranked empirical journal in psychology, is a peer-reviewed monthly journal with cutting-edge research articles, short reports, and research... 
Psychology of Women Quarterly Psychology of Women Quarterly (PWQ) is a feminist, scientific, peer-reviewed journal that publishes empirical research, critical reviews and theoretical articles that advance a fie... 
Risk Management Risk Management Magazine is the premier source of analysis, insight and news for corporate risk managers. RM strives to explore existing and emerging techniques and concepts t... 
Support for Learning The articles in this journal examine the practical and theoretical issues surrounding the education of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools.