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搜尋結果 68 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
Naval Architect 現在出版的第12年,海軍建築師中國語言版發表在協會與上海SNAOE(海軍建築師和海洋工程師協會上海),並達到中國造船行業內的專業資格符。中國的版本是英文二月和九月版的直接翻譯。 
Pervasive and Mobile Computing Members and Associates for the Institute of Noise Control Engineering receive both the Noise Control Engineering Journal and the Institute's news magazine. 
ppaper 以創意導向發展新媒體─ppaper創意雙週報。 根據統計,約有50,000人就讀於設計相關的科系,另外約有50,000人從事創意相關產業,PPAPER明確地和這100,000位意見領袖對話,並建立每個月二次的深度溝通。 ppaper提供國內設計相關人士們設計理論及設計類相關報導等,冀望提供精簡實用的設計觀點和創意啟發。 
Proceedings of the ICE: Bridge Engineering Bridge Engineering has established itself as one of the leading peer-review publications covering developments in bridge engineering. Topics covered include the design, constructio... 
Proceedings of the ICE: Civil Engineering Civil Engineering is the ICE's flagship journal providing full-colour papers and articles on topics across the spectrum of civil engineering activity. Practical and diverse in its ... 
Proceedings of the ICE: Engineering Sustainability Engineering Sustainability provides a forum for sharing the latest thinking from research and practice, and increasingly is presenting the 'how to' of engineering a resilient futur... 
Proceedings of the ICE: Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical Engineering provides a forum for the publication of high quality, topical and relevant technical papers covering all aspects of geotechnical research, design, construc... 
Proceedings of the ICE: Transport Transport is essential reading for those needing information on civil engineering developments across all areas of transport. Topics covered include: transport planning and poli... 
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles describing fundamental developments in the field of robotics, with special emphasis on autonomous systems. An important goal... 
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering covers the experimental and theoretical aspects of rock mechanics, including laboratory and field testing, methods of computation and field obse...