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IEEE Standards Online Collection

IEEE Standards Online Collection是特別為了對於科技技術標準有需求之企業研發團隊設計而成,提供企業一系列IEEE所收錄之技術標準,讓對於IEEE專業技術標準有大量需求之研發團隊,在研發設計相關產品時,有一個合法專業的技術規範做依據參考,設計出符合最新科技之產品,統一市場產品規格,滿足在科技相關領域上的多元化需求,符合企業研發成本,增加研發效益。
    • 無限量下載特定領域上IEEE收錄之現行,更新,歸檔,廢止以及草案標準
    • 提供最即時之技術標準,滿足企業之需求
    • 所下載之技術標準,可以在企業內合法重複使用
    • 透過IEEE標準 & 草案節省研發時間以及成本
    • 挑選下載IEEE所收錄一系列超過3800個技術標準
    • 提供企業專屬資料夾,讓同人可以隨時線上閱讀
    • 標準最常使用為一年,提供一整年標準更新
    • 透過最進階之搜尋功能,找尋符合的技術標準
    • 一律採取IP連線方式
    • 提供同時十人線上使用。
    • IEEE All-Inclusive Standards
    • IEEE standards are used around the globe to help industries and companies open business opportunities, build order in the marketplace, generate public and customer trust, and enhance safety. The All-Inclusive Subscription provides access to the growing collection of over 3,800 IEEE standards, including drafts and archived standards. The standards in the subscription encompass a striking range of industries—addressing topics in high-impact technologies from existing infrastructure basic to society to disciplines that promise to change our world. Includes IEEE Standards Dictionary Online and IEEE Redline Versions of Standards.

    • IEEE All Information Technology Standards
    • With the all-inclusive Information Technology (IT) Subscription, you gain access to the growing collection of over 1,500 active standards, drafts, and archived standards impacting the IT industry today. A driving factor in helping the IT industry run smoothly and in creating markets, IEEE IT standards underpin many of today’s IT products and services. The standards in this subscription cover a full range of technologies and applications—from communications, design automation, 802® networking, software engineering, test technology, microprocessors, storage systems, and more. Includes IEEE Standards Dictionary Online and IEEE Redline Versions of Standards.

    • IEEE All Power and Energy Standards
    • With the all-inclusive Power and Energy Subscription, you gain access to the collection of over 1,900 active standards, drafts, and archived standards impacting the power industry today. A central element in helping the power industry run smoothly, IEEE power engineering standards form an interlocking web of hundreds of standards that define uniform methods, practices, and guidelines. Their development has tracked the evolution of electric power during the past 100 years and now encompass nearly all aspects of the industry from generation to transmission and distribution to communication. Further, they address leading-edge technology and applications, including distributed generation, power quality, and broadband over power lines. Includes IEEE Standards Dictionary Online and IEEE Redline Versions of Standards.

    • IEEE All Telecommunications Standards
    • The telecommunications industry is at the forefront of the information age-delivering voice, data, graphics, and video at ever increasing speeds and in an increasing number of ways. To stay on-top of the latest standards driving the technology and creating new markets, access to the Telecommunications Subscription is a must. Comprised of the rapidly growing collection of 1,600+ related IEEE standards, drafts, and archived standards, this subscription provides you with the critical standards information you need to be competitive in a constantly evolving industry. Includes IEEE Standards Dictionary Online and IEEE Redline Versions of Standards.

    • IEEE 3000 Standards Collection™— Coming Soon
    • (formerly IEEE Colorbooks® PowerPack) The IEEE 3000 Standards Collection contains invaluable industry-proven standards on every key aspect of industrial and commercial power systems. Each standard gives you access to must-know procedures, formulas, diagrams, and more. Maximize product development and R&D with the most comprehensive collection of essential standards for power engineers.

    • IEEE Arc Flash Standards
    • The IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations provides techniques for designers and facility operators to apply in determining the arc-flash hazard distance and the incident energy to which employees could be exposed during their work on or near electrical equipment. This subscription includes active, historical, draft, and IEEE Redline Versions of Standards for the IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.

    • IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards
    • Addressing the unintentional generation, propagation, and reception of electromagnetical energy, the associated unwanted effects and the correct operation—in the same environment—of different equipment involving electromagnetic phenomena in their operation, is the basis for the standards included in the EMC Subscription. Comprised of over 160 IEEE and ANSI EMC related standards, drafts, archived, and IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, this critical collection is a must for those in industry dealing with EMC issues. Standards included cover radio frequency emissions and emission measurement, safety levels with respect to human exposure to electromagnetic fields, application and evaluation of EMI, EMC limits, and more.

    • IEEE Foundations for Smart Grid
    • IEEE can help you lead the way in smart grid technology with an unparalleled collection of standards in diverse technology fields, including over 20 IEEE standards named in the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards. Foundations for Smart Grid includes active standards and current drafts,IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, archival editions of active standards, and archival drafts. Learn more about the IEEE Foundations for Smart Grid.

    • IEEE LAN/MAN 802® Standards
    • The IEEE Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LAN/MAN) Subscription contains the growing collection of IEEE 802® standards, including in-demand draft standards under development, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived standards. Used worldwide, IEEE 802 standards cover personal, local, and metropolitan area network (PAN, LAN, and MAN) interfaces for evolving wired and wireless networking technologies. These standards form the foundation for nearly all data communication systems and help ensure that packets are delivered reliably from a source to a destination. IEEE 802 standards apply to coaxial, copper, and fiber optic cables, as well as to air interfaces for radio frequency transmission in personal area networks (PANs) having scales of 10 m, local area networks (LANs) having scales of 100 m, and municipal area networks (MANs) having scales of 1,000 m.

    • National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®)
    • Published exclusively by IEEE, the NESC sets ground rules for practical safeguarding of persons during the installation, operation, or maintenance of electric supply and communication lines and associated equipment. The NESC contains the basic provisions that are considered necessary for the safety of employees and the public under the specified conditions. A subscription includes: National Electrical Safety Code 2012, 2007, and 2002, as well as Preprints. Includes IEEE Redline Versions of Standards.

    • IEEE Nuclear Engineering Standards
    • This powerful collection contains over 220 active standards, drafts, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived IEEE and ANSI standards on nuclear engineering, radiation detection, and homeland security. The standards in this subscription cover the full range of nuclear engineering related technologies and applications—including equipment qualification, auxiliary power, testing and reliability, control facilities, personnel protection, industrial processes, and nuclear and radiation applications. In addition, you'll find an extensive glossary defining more than 1,300 terms, as well as a complete index and a list of Internet resources.

    • IEEE Power Distribution and Regulating Transformers Standards
    • This subscription provides access to the growing collection of over 350 IEEE power distribution and regulating transformers standards, drafts, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived standards used throughout the power industry today. These standards help ensure the reliable and secure operation of the power grid, while fostering reliability, stability, flexibility, and capacity of power delivery systems. The standards in the subscription address the design, performance, installation, and operation of overhead and underground electric distribution systems. They cover power capacitors, insulated connectors, energized power lines, power frequency and reliability, hardware and more.

    • IEEE Power Protective Relaying Standards
    • With a drive for greater reliance on electric power, the role of protective relaying in electric power system design and operation is growing. This subscription provides access to a critical collection of over 130 protective relaying standards, drafts, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived standards demanded by power professionals working with system design today. Standards in this subscription focus on electric power apparatus, utility-consumer connections, electrostatic discharge, generator ground protection, frequency protection, and more.

    • IEEE Power Switchgear Standards
    • This subscription provides access to the collection of 300+ switchgear standards, drafts, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived standards used with electric power systems or grids—protecting the integrity of power systems and minimizing the scope of downstream outages. Standards in this subscription focus on design, construction, and operation of devices or assembled gear to establish, interrupt, or change connections in any electric circuit under normal or abnormal conditions—addressing fuses and cutouts, gas-insulated switchgear, insulation, insulation and hardware for switchgear, power circuit breakers, assemblies, and more.

    • IEEE Power Transmission and Distribution Standards
    • With a focus on power transmission and distribution, this popular subscription provides access to over 200 IEEE T&D standards, drafts, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived standards known throughout the T&D industry today. The standards in this growing online collection address the design, performance, installation operation, and maintenance of overhead and underground systems that carry electricity via ac or dc lines from generating sources and substations to service areas. These standards include: network systems; switching surges; electric and magnetic fields; towers, insulators and hardware; safety and environmental impact; and power quality.

    • IEEE Software Engineering Standards
    • With over 230 standards, including drafts, IEEE Redline Versions of Standards, and archived standards, the IEEE Software Engineering Subscription gives you access to the leading standards that are used throughout industry today to maximize software development investments. Covering software engineering terminology, processes, tools, reuse, project management, plans, documentation, and measurement, IEEE Software Engineering standards are implemented in an array of disciplines, including: computer science, quality management, project management, systems engineering, dependability, and safety. Together, the standards that comprise this collection excel in technical integrity on an individual basis and each can take its place within a suite of standards that may be adopted in totality or in part by organizations.