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搜尋結果 74 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
Small Business Opportunities Small Business Opportunities is a how-to magazine for small business owners and budding entrepreneurs. It offers a step-by-step guide to starting and operating a business. It featu... 
Smart智富月刊 《Smart智富》月刊致力提供讀者專業與全面的投資及財富管理知識,掌握國際最新脈動,開創投資視野。 
STOCKS & COMMODITIES 多年來,Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES一直是這個領域的領導品牌雜誌,提供與股票、債券、共同基金、選擇權與物價相關的圖表、數字、運算方式等技術分析工具與資訊,並且詳析技術商業模式、技巧與產品來協助所有從事商業相關行業的專業人士精確掌握金融市場資訊。  
STRATEGY + BUSINESS 引領觀念的全球商務雜誌,每期由世界頂尖記者、學者、顧問、企業謀士執筆,透過實際案例研究、專訪、學術研究、新聞報導、個人經驗等,針對經營、創新、公共政策、策略等,提供敏銳而透徹的見解,和實用的指引。對決策者深具參考價值。 Strategy+business (s+b) is an award-winning management magazine for de... 
THE JOURNAL OF FINANCE The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is the most widely cited academic journal on finance. Each issue of the ... 
THE JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS:Futures, Options, and Other Derivative Products THE JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS:Futures, Options, and Other Derivative Products 
The Economist 經濟學人雜誌 知名英國財經周刊THE ECONOMIST【經濟學人】,是一本專門報導全球時事與商業活動的週刊,內容包括國際新聞、各地政治、環球商業經濟、科技發展、科學新知及文化藝術等,提供具前瞻性的時局預測和精闢透徹的分析評論,是許多世界知名領袖,如前南非總統曼德拉、微軟總裁比爾蓋茲及英國大亨理查布蘭森等每週必讀的刊物。 《經濟學人》以鮮明的觀點,置疑的... 
The Journal of Derivatives The Journal of Derivatives (JOD) is the leading analytical journal on derivatives, providing detailed analyses of theoretical models and how they are used in practice. JOD gives ... 
TIME magazine TIME reveals what today's headlines mean to you and your family -- from politics, to science, to human achievement, arts, business, and society. Time (often written in all-caps as ... 
U.S.News & World Report U.S. News Weekly-An insider's guide to politics and policy, available on the iPad or as a PDF download. The digital magazine from the editors of U.S. News & World Report: The lates...