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語  系:
搜尋結果 661 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
Soldiers Soldiers 
Southern Living Southern Living雜誌設有家裝,裝飾,娛樂,烹飪和旅行,當然也有南方簽名食譜。 Southern Living是一個廣泛的時尚雜誌,針對在美國南部特色菜譜的讀者,房屋規劃,園林規劃,對水土流失的信息,以及有關南方文化和旅遊。 它是由阿拉巴馬州伯明翰市的南方進展公司,時代公司的一個單位公佈。 
Speleothem Science Speleothems (mineral deposits that formed in caves) are currently giving us some of the most exciting insights into environments and climates during the Pleistocene ice ages and the subsequent Holocene rise of civilizations. The book applies system science to Quaternary environments in a new and rigorous way and gi... 
Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated is an American sports media franchise owned by media conglomerate Time Warner. Its self titled magazine has over 3.5 million subscribers and is read by 23 million adults each week, including over 18 million men. It was the first magazine with circulation over one million to win the National M... 
Sports Weekly USA Today Sports Weekly magazine has great coverage of baseball and professional football, plus plenty of fantasy information. USA Today Sports Weekly takes readers inside the dugouts and locker rooms to get the information they want. 
Steam World Steam World is an English railway magazine covering steam locomotives. It is published monthly by Steam World Publishing. 
STOCKS & COMMODITIES 多年來,Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES一直是這個領域的領導品牌雜誌,提供與股票、債券、共同基金、選擇權與物價相關的圖表、數字、運算方式等技術分析工具與資訊,並且詳析技術商業模式、技巧與產品來協助所有從事商業相關行業的專業人士精確掌握金融市場資訊。  
STRATEGY + BUSINESS 引領觀念的全球商務雜誌,每期由世界頂尖記者、學者、顧問、企業謀士執筆,透過實際案例研究、專訪、學術研究、新聞報導、個人經驗等,針對經營、創新、公共政策、策略等,提供敏銳而透徹的見解,和實用的指引。對決策者深具參考價值。 Strategy+business (s+b) is an award-winning management magazine for decision makers in businesses and organizations around the world. Our purpose is to illuminate the complex choices that leaders face — in stra... 
Stratery & Tactics Strategy & Tactics covers the entire span of military history from ancient battles to current and future campaigns. Taking the reader beyond the usual narratives, the articles focus on the “how” and “why” of conflicts and are illustrated liberally with maps, charts, tables and pictures. ... 
Structural Control and Health Monitoring The Journal Structural Control and Health Monitoring encompasses all theoretical and technological aspects of structural control, structural health monitoring theory and smart materials and structures.